Release date
December 5, 1985
Vinyl, cassette, CD
Catalog number
28AH-1966 (LP)
32DH-310 (CD)
28KH-1801 (CT)
1. Gogo no Pas de Deux (午後のパドドゥ)
2. Nagisa no Tightrope (渚のタイトロープ)
3. Koi no Chapter A to Z (恋のチャプターA to Z)
4. Midori no Poinsettia (緑のポインセチア)
5. Namida no Jasmine LOVE (涙の茉莉花LOVE) [lyrics]
6. Sayonara Natsu no Lycee (さよなら夏のリセ)
7. Koi no College Ring (恋のカレッジ・リング)
8. Mukau DE Garcon (向うDEギャルソン)
9. Please tell me Mr. Ake (Please tell me Mr. 朱)
10. Watashi no Suki na Katherine (私の好きなキャサリン)
Oricon ranking
4th place
Additional info
All tracks were arranged and composed by Tsugutoshi Goto, who would later become Sonoko's husband.